December 27, 2010

new year, 2011!

next week dah new year, haihh. harap2 sekolah akan berjalan dengan lancar. takde masalah bagai. takpe, lagi setahun jee pun. so, i'll do my best. oyeah. SPM doe -.-

Shoot at Putrajaya

model                 : Noor Fairuz
location              : putrajaya
photographer     : m&m

December 14, 2010

8 feb 2011

mood : tak sabar & takut. hee InsyaAllah, semua nya akan okay kan lepastu? :')

December 12, 2010

to the prettiest babe in the whole wide world :')

Dear mom, Happy birthday! sweet 51! hihi. sorry for everythings okay. I may not like you all the time, but I will always love you :') ALWAYS. 

December 11, 2010

apa masalah?

eish. aku bengang betul. haih. ape masalah pun aku taktahu. awak sendiri kan yang suruh saya jujur bila awak nak tanya something semalam. then bila saya dah jujur melampau terus tak reply pulak sampi harini. duhh. takpelah, take your time ok. aku tahu statement aku tu mengundang sikit *hehe yeke? ntah ah. dah elok nanti pandai2 lah awak cari saya ok? kbai.

hal no 2 plak, aduu. macamana aku boleh jealous semalam pasal kicik punya hal? haih. ade pape ke ni aku jealous? haa. ke kau sayang dia marl? ehem ehem! pastu aku malas nak layan dia semalam, pergi mampus lah. haha tapi harini dia mintak pulak benda tu, tapi aku tak rase ape plak? ape ke pelik nya perasaan aku ni? adoyai. tah lah. pergi mampus lah. single lagi better. kan? kbai.

December 5, 2010

i miss her.

dia suka main gitar nd keyboard. suka melukis. menunggang skuter. suka main bola cam jantan. suka menyanyi. suka cakap cam rempit sampai aku nak baca pon tak paham. pakpaksapkoklu tak pernah lekang, suka cakap ayat tu. 

my gosh. dah berapa bulan dah kan since aku jumpa dia dulu. haihh. sejak kebelakangan ni, aku asyik teringat pasal dia, aku pon taktahu kenapa doh. -.- aku tak boleh doh tengok vid dia nyanyi lagu taylor swift tu. aduuu berdup-dap aku. boleh sakit jantung doh. suka gila tengok dia senyum part yang last, mak aihhhh.. cair nya doh aku. secair-cair nya aku boleh jadi doh. haha angau kan? haha aku beruk. duhh. rindu gila lah. haihh. tapi, aku tak boleh nak buat ape. hanya mampu melihat vid dia nyanyi berulang kali sahaja kalau rindu sangat. -.- 
cara awak msg dari pandangan saya, mcm nak mara je. i mean, bg saya kalau word 'pahal, asal' gitu mcm kasar sikit. lg, awak suka letak 'hm' word tu buat saya risau tahu?! grr. then awak suka nak 'AKU KAU'. hah yg tu obvious lah en. takleh nk kata ape. tp kalau sweet tu, sweet lah. eceh, but benda tu boleh berubah bile awak panggil saya 'BERUK'. tak baik tau. hisy. lg, bile awak takde topic, awak mesti rep 'yelah' takpun tak rep dah. hah! kadang2 saye je tanye awak, sampai pecah kepale otak nak pikir benda yg nak tanye kat awak. pas uh, kalau awak macam tak suka saya ckp smthng, awak tak gelak gitu lah. mesti nak 'hm' jugak. and thats why jugak saya selalu tanye whether awak bosan or not ngan saya?

from : -Sha-
Iloveyou, 3.12 a.m / 3.12.10

December 2, 2010


Just gimme a long and tight hug, it would mean the world to me.

I'm just hope you could understand me more than you thought..


bloody hell

babi lah. aku benci betul kalau ape yang aku nak mesti orang tu pon menyemak nak jugak benda aku suka. eish babi sial lah. buat mood aku kucar kacir doh kau ni. aihh. berambus doh muak tengok muka kau.

k, i need someone to talk with me nd i need someone right here, beside me. tolong pulihkan mood aku seperti sediakala. sape boleh? 
erm, ok takde sape pandai happy kan aku. bagus. beri tepukan sedikit. kbai. 

oh no, music.. i will always love you no matter what happen. cause u always be there for me. thanks.

November 27, 2010

Padan muka awak. hmph

semalam, aku msg sha, amboii satu haprak tak reply.. wey bapak menyirap doh! menggelabah gila. *agak malu sebab aku send 6msg tapi tak reply. -.-" then sebelum tido aku dah nekad tak mau on hp esok. hah. memang aku tak on pon, padan muka kau. sakit hati punya pasal. sampai lah petang tadi baru aku on hp, then hambekk kau. berpuluh misscall, msg nye. haila hua. wey dalam hati aku suka doh. dendam terbalas. haha aku tak layan langsung sampai sekarang. hikhiks. saje nak tengok reaction dia. sampai lah di msg camni.. 

"awak, arsenal lawan harini.. hmph.."

haila hua. dia tahu dari mana tu aku punya peberet football, arsenal? haila. aku memang happy betul kalau orang ingat ape aku suka. then, aku rasa kesian lah pulak wey.. haila. dalam hati ni sayang tau. tapi pasal semalam dia tak reply satu haprak msg aku, tu yang bengang. atleast my dear, takde mood satu hari tu bagitahu lah. aku boleh paham kot. ni tak. buat aku menunggu msg cam gampang. sampai ke pagi buta. haila hua. jangan main main. sayang ni. haha tapi kesian, dia langsung tak tahu aku sayang dia. yang dia tahu, aku ni asek marah dia ajeee. alahaii. kesiannn kan? kuikuikui. takpelah. tapayah tahu lagi bagus. aku lagi suka sayang orang dalam diam, dari bagitahu. kang dah tahu aku sayang dia, banyak lemak plak kau kan nanti? hahah. ok lah, japgi kul 2300 saya text awak ye sayang? hihi. maaflah ye. saya memang suka balas dendam sekejap. sekejap je tak lama. haha saje bagi awak rasa ape saya rasa. huhuhu. k lah aku nak blah dah, baboiii. 

Aku bermimpi...

setelah aku bangun, aku terkejut seperti ini. muahahahahah

harini.. aku mimpi aku jumpa si pyka ngan fyka. haha aku tolong arrange kan rombongan merisik si fyka ni. haha. aku ni belah laki lah nak tolong merisik dia. tapi, rase dalam hati macam was-was ah. eh betul ke keputusan yang aku buat ni. lepastu, aku pergi lah jumpa fyka, time tu si fyka ni dah ready dah nak menerima kunjungan aku semua. haha aku pon jumpa dan tanya dia, betul ke kau terima pinangan ni blablalalala. pastu aku borak ngan fyka nd pyka dalam satu bilik. lama pulak tu. yang pasal rombongan ape semua dah takde dah. haha pastu aku tersedar then aku cakap dalam hati, maybe aku ni dah lama sangat tak borak ngan dorang. dulu aku rapat ngan dia. sekarang kalau jumpa senyuman jela mampu aku bagi. bila ingat balik, banyak jugak kawan2 rapat aku. sekarang, dah jauhhh dari mata. haihhh.. apalah nasib.

hmph, tujela cerita nya. aku mimpi dorang maybe sebab aku rindu diorang kot? haih takpalah, ape ape pon wish korang gudluck dalam SPM. semoga dapat result yang dee boommmm! yeah.

Helolololo :)

"hai, saya danny. saya handsome kan?" muahaha

hai, sorry dah lama tak update ini blog. hikhiks. sorry deh. udah ade tumblr. ya gitu dong. tapi, saya bukan seorang kacang yang melupakan kulitnya. ohh tidak. saya akan update juga yang ini. hihi. sape nak singgah ke tumblr saya, dipersilakan lah yee.

ok, kalau ade perubahan pada url. akan saya update ye anak-anak. ok bye! :D

November 23, 2010

Night with you.

I love chatting with you tonight.. the confession you made, makes me feel happy..
Thank you nd I love you.. :')


I’m just tired of all the constant pain, second guessing and confusion that I’ve had for months on end. I distanced myself from the causes, I’m sorry that it had to be you. But, I did it for my own good. I would do anything, anything at all to make this better. But I’m breaking, and I need to change something. I still love you, no matter what, like I promised. Nd, Im so sorry for not knowing what to say to make you stay with me. I dont hate you, it just I hate what you have done to me.. Thats all. 

hello prettayyy!

  • Though she is known as a British actress, Emma was actually born in Paris, France. She was raised in Oxford, England.
  • Emma’s parents are divorced. She has one brother, one half-brother, and two half-sisters.
  • Named Highest Grossing Actress of the Decade by Guiness Book of World Records. Her film work in the past decade has grossed over 5.4 billion at the global box office (2009).
  • Like her character Hermione, Emma is quite the brainiac. She received eight A* grades and two A grades in her GCSE Examinations in 2006.
  • Has said that modeling is a way for her to avoid being typecast as Hermione Granger. 
  • She drives a Toyota Prius. 
  • Emma loves Nutella. On anything, but especially strawberries.
  • Emma has been a student in four different dance classes: Breakdancing, Body Popping, Street and Modern. While filming the third and fourth Harry Potter films she took dance lessons. She has also earned a Silver Award for freestyle dance and street jazz. 
  • Recently admitted having a huge crush on Tom Felton when she was younger.
  • For most of her public outings, Emma refuses to use a stylist. She believes they take away from your personal sense of fashion. She does, however, shop frequently with her friend Caroline Sieber.
  • Her grandparents have a summer home in South Carolina that she sometimes visits.
  • A friend of Emma’s once tried to dye Emma’s hair pink. It turned an awful color, though, and Emma had to wash her hair three times a day for three weeks to get it out.
  • Emma speaks French quite well, and can also speak some German and Italian.
  • Emma drew the artwork that appears on her official website.

She's really beautiful aite? my god, Adore nd I just Love you kaw kaw! hikhiks.

happy day :)

okay today panah belanja saya tengok movie Harry Potter. haha woots. panah banyak duit. haha bukan senang nak belanja orang si panah ni. naahhh, habis movie lepak old town selama 3 jam. share ilmu pasal photoshop, online, bual kosong, gurau senda, webcam bagai lah. macam macam. so happy lah. haha kbaii.    

This is so funny! ROFL!

Ron's face when he get jealous with harry potter. Kan panah? sebijik kan? haha.   

November 21, 2010

100 Things Abang Dome Learned About Photography

  1. Never do photography to become a rock-star.
  2. Enjoy what you are shooting.
  3. Prepare well for your shooting, realizing that your battery isn’t charge when you’re setting up for that sunrise shoot is too late!
  4. Always take one warm garment more than you actually need with you
  5. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while you are shooting
  6. Set goals you can achieve
  7. Write tips about photography, because writing is also learning
  8. Never go shooting without a tripod
  9. Be pleased with the little prosperities
  10. Build relationships with potential photo buddies
  11. Watch the place you want to shoot first with your heart then with the camera
  12. Always stay calm
  13. Know that you tend to overestimate yourself
  14. Perspective is the killer
  15. Dedicate yourself to photography, but never browbeat yourself too much
  16. Take part in a photography community
  17. Keep your camera clean
  18. Never compare yourself to others in a better or worse context
  19. Find your own style of photography
  20. Try to compose more and to hit the shutter less
  21. Seek out and learn to accept critique on your images
  22. Do something different to recover creativity
  23. Get inspiration from the work of other photographers
  24. Criticize honestly but respectfully
  25. Get feedback from your lady
  26. Don’t copy other photographer’s style
  27. Be bold
  28. Take care of the golden ratio
  29. 10mm rocks!
  30. Take selfportraits
  31. Read books about photography
  32. To give a landscapephotograph the extra boost, integrate a person (maybe yourself)
  33. Every shooting situation is different than you expect
  34. Pay attention to s-curves and lines
  35. Always shoot in RAW
  36. Keep your sensor clean, so you can save some work cleaning your image in post production
  37. Discover the things you think are beautiful
  38. It takes time to become a good photographer
  39. The best equipment is that what you have now
  40. You can’t take photographs of everything
  41. Break the rules of photography knowingly, but not your camera 
  42. Pay attention to the different way that light falls on different parts of your scene
  43. The eye moves to the point of contrast
  44. Clouds increase the atmosphere of a landscape
  45. Start a photoblog
  46. Accept praise and say “thank you”
  47. ‘Nice Shot’ is not a very useful comment to write
  48. ‘Amazing!’ isn’t useful either. Try to describe specifically what you like or don’t like about an image.
  49. You are not your camera
  50. Ask a question at the end of your comment on a photo to get a ping-pong conversation with the photographer
  51. Do a review of your archives on a regular basis, the longer you photograph - the more diamonds are hidden there
  52. Always clarify what the eyecatcher (focal point) will be in your image
  53. No image is better than a bad one
  54. Everyone has to start little
  55. Your opinion about photography is important!
  56. Leave a funny but thoughtful comment
  57. Speak about your experiences with your photo buddies
  58. Limit your photograph to the substance
  59. Participate in Photocontests
  60. Post processing = Optimizing your image to the best result
  61. Shoot exposure latitudes as often as possible
  62. Use photomatix as seldom as possible, HDR’s always have a synthetic flavor
  63. Always remember what brought you to photography
  64. Never shoot a person who doensn’t want to be photographed
  65. Always turn arround, sometimes the better image is behind you
  66. It’s who’s behind the camera, not the camera
  67. Mistakes are allowed! The more mistakes you make, the more you learn!
  68. If you have an idea and immediately you think : No, this is not going to work - Do it anyway. When in doubt - always shoot.
  69. Understand and look to your histogramm while shooting. It delivers very important information about your image
  70. Know your camera, because searching the menu button in the night is time you don’t want to waste
  71. Shoot as often as possible
  72. Believe in yourself
  73. Don’t be afraid of getting dirty
  74. Pay attention to qualitiy in your image
  75. Your photographs are a personal map of your psyche
  76. Re-check your ISO-Settings. It’s aweful to detect the wrong settings on your screen.
  77. Be thankful for long and thoughtful comments on your images
  78. Never trust your LCD. Normally it is brighter and sharper as the original image.
  79. Provide for enough disc space, because it’s cheap and you will need it.
  80. Learn to enjoy beautful moments when you don’t have a camera with you.
  81. Always arrive at least half an hour earlier before sunrise / sundown, composing in a hurry is a bad thing.
  82. Try to amplify your mental and physical limits. Takes some extra shots when you think “it’s enough”
  83. Pay attention to structures in the sky and wait until they fit into structures in the foreground
  84. Visit the same place as often as possible. Light never shows the same mountain.
  85. Print your images in big size. You will love it.
  86. Calibrate your monitor. Working with a monitor that is not accurate is like being together with someone you can’t trust. It always ends badly.
  87. Don’t think about what others may say about your image. If you like it, it’s worth publishing.
  88. Never address reproaches to yourself. Learn from your mistakes and look forward, not backward.
  89.  Fight your laziness ! Creativitiy comes after discipline.
  90.  Ask yourself : What do you want to express in your images ?
  91.  Always try to think outside the box, collect new ideas about photographs you could do and ask yourself : Why not?
  92.  Search for a mentor.
  93.  Photography is never a waste of time.
  94.  Every community has it’s downsides. Don’t leave it out of an emotional response.
  95.  There will always be people who will not like what you are doing.
  96.  Henri Cartier-Bresson was right when he said that “Your first 10,000 photographs  are your worst.”
  97.  A better camera doesn’t guarantee better images.
  98.  Always have printing in mind when you postprocess your images.
  99.  Photography is fair : You gain publicity with the quality of your images. Unless the images are stolen, there is no way of cheating yourself higher.
  100. Write a 100 things list

November 20, 2010


heyyo, L.B.S means what? lagenda budak setan lerrr. hahaha ouh ya, aku dah lama nak tahu kat mana dorang shoot time si farid kamil ngan lisa surihani berlakon time part kat atas puncak ngan satu pokok bercabang yang cun ni. ahaha tadi dalam kereta, aku taktahu lak abang gee borak-borak pasal pokok ni. yela aku tidur je kat belakang cus dah penat dari broga hill tu manada nak ambik port dorang borak. then buka mata je dah sampai. buka mata, turun kereta then terus amik gambar pokok ni, memang mantop ye? haha. yeay kitorang amik gambar pon senyap-senyap. abang gee takut ade guard halau. selalu nye memang ade guard jaga kawasan tu. haha yelaa mana boleh masuk tempat ni, nak masuk senyap-senyap sudeh. tapi tempat ni memang best ah. dengan ladang nye ade lembu banyak. yelaa tempat pertanian kan. haaa. oyeahh! best best best!

Broga Hill, Semenyih.

Hey guys, hari jumaat haritu MrPolie dgreat tu ajak aku g Broga, aku pon ape lagi. memang syok ah on je. yelaa dari duk umah aku tak buat ape, baik aku join, then dapat ah ilmu sikit-sikit. so malam tadi, hujan lebat pulak. abg polie ambi aku kat umah kul 1.40 a.m. perghh gua dah suruh amik kul 2, semangat sangat jer nak datang awal2. dahlah tengah hujan lebat. memang sejok doh. then, pastu g amik abg izzam kat pandah indah then kitorang kumpul semua orang kat petronas semenyih..

kitorang sampai dalam 4.40 pagi camtu ah. then terus naik bukit tu. perghh tak warming up plak tuh. haila hua. ade gak ah yang pancit. aku pancit 3 kali. ahaha cam nak muntah doh pening gila. nasib baik tu pagi buta lagi tak nampak sangat if toleh belakang nampak cerun menjunam. ishh lahaii.. aku dengan mandi peluh bagai wey. sumpah tak pernah macamni before this kalau naik bukit. penat lelah aku. haila hua. hanya tuhan jela tahu macamana penat nye wey. then azan subuh berkumandang kitorang dah sampai kat puncak, tapi section 1. ade lagi 3 section kat atas. ahaa. dah lepak semua kat section 1, aku g lah join abang lain sampai section 3 je kitorang pergi. nak naik last section aku dah tak larat. semua dah pancit.

aku taktahu lah ni puncak ke berapa. hailaa hua. tapi dia punya view memang superb nice kan wey? whoaaa. berbaloi penat lelah aku naik broga hill ni. tapi, aku tak amik banyak sangat gambar pon sebab aku penat. so macam aku menikmati pemandangan dengan mata aku je. so aku kelip mata aku aku snap pemandangan then simpan dalam hati :') hihihi.

so yeah, ni abang gee. haha so aku belajar ah sikit sikit basic camera. memang pening wey. hailaa hua. tapi takpe ah, aku akan praktikkan ape yang dia ajar. ouh yeah!

ni nak turun dah. curam kan? memang pergh kalau tergolek alahai. taktahu lah doh. aku pon ade terbayang kalau aku jatuh, sebab time tu aku punya kaki dah mengigil. sumpah wey tak tipu kaki aku mengigil tengok cerun ni. tak landai langsung. hailaa hua.

mase turun tu, singgah la kejap tempat photoshoot pre-wedding sheikh muzaphar nd dr halina. haha tempat dia cun kan? haha tapi tak syok sebab buaian tinggi. nak duduk tu kena mintak tolong someone lah kan if nak naik. hahaha tapi harini memang superb best wey! sangat-sangat best harini. thank you to abg polie sebab invite aku join, nd to fotomedia malaysia team. you guys otaii. itu yang penting. :)

BROGA HILL! jejak jugak kaki aku kat sana. hikhik :')

November 18, 2010

Only you - Nate Quinamague

Girl, I found what i'm looking for
Your my missing piece and nothing more
But you like this guy
And were just friends but i tried
Baby we should be together
Your all that i really want
my love grows more after every thought
I think about you all day
Damn what else can i say
Baby we should be forever 

I only want you
only you only you
I'd give you my all
Crawl till i fall
I'm not giving up
its gonna tough
i only want you

(Verse 2)
Girl, I cant believe my eyes
Its like a diamond fell out the sky
You give me this good feeling
A dream I'm fulfilling
Baby we should be together
Your all that i really need
I go crazy when you smile at me
But i know this won't work
But im still unsure
Baby we should be forever

I only want you
only you only you
I'd give you my all
Crawl till i fall
I'm not giving up
its gonna tough
i only want you

I know theres other girls
But you make my world
Its true, baby its true
And I know that other dude
must meen so much to you
its true baby its true
Now i could wait here alone
Until i am fully grown
I need you i need you
I could just move on
But been there and thats just wrong
I need you i need you 

I only want you
I'd give you my all
Crawl till i fall
I'm not giving up
its gonna tough
i only want you

*I really love this song. 

November 16, 2010

quotes #2

 If I like you, that means at least one of these things: you are disinterested, I am scared to admit I like you. now I don’t know how to tell you I think I am in love with you, you are not my type but I like your t-shirt (and your eyelashes), I am an idiot, you are beautiful, I really want to call you, I didn’t see you today so I am going to yell at everyone, you are miles away, I am desperate, you don’t even know me, I want to get drunk with you, let’s sleep under the sky together, I wonder if you would ever like to wake up next to me, I want you for my birthday.
— Mehmet Erdogan

Salam Aidiladha..

esok hari raya haji. hm tak rase macam raya pon. -.-" so macam takde semangat lah nak tengok lembu kena sembelih esok. hailaa hailaa hua hua. makan daging jela esok. yuhuuu. so, disini saya nak ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya aidiladha kepada seluruh umat islam di serata dunia. :)
kepada yang balik kampung, tolonglah berhati-hati semasa memandu ye, ingatlah orang yang tersayang ye. ehehehe.

harini tak happy macam semalam. :(

hmph. aku taktahu ape masalah dia. adoyai. buat taik lak ngan aku malam tadi. dah tahu aku reply msg macam haremm and main main pulak dah terasa bagai lah apelah. selalu okay je takde apehal. okay fine. merajuk so aku biarkan lah. esoknya, aku tanya ah marah lagi ke? pulak dah serious tarik muka ngan aku. aku pon macam ihh apehal lak ni. betul betul merajuk ke? eii. then aku okay lagi. sampai lah malam ni, dia text aku said sorry semua and nak jauhkan diri aku cos taknak sakitkan hati aku lagi. eii fuck. apehal kau? dah tak betul ke otak? then sebok sangat nak jaga hati makhluk mana tah dia cakap sombong dengan ini tu ini. aku dahlah blurr alam. aku suruh cerita taknak. sebok je mintak maaf. aku sumpah tak paham ape dia cakap. k fine. sukati kau lah nak cakap ape. eish menyirapp aku. padahal dalam hati ni sayang tau kat dia. dia plak selengge betul harini. eii menyirappp. bengkek je hati aku-.-"

November 15, 2010

Pagi tadi saya happy sangat-sangat! :)

hey hey, Im happy today. hee pagi tadi banyak sangat gelak. hihihi. then pastu ade mesyuarat rumah sukan for 2011. so then put jadi kapten rumah tun teja/ biru. me? jadi setiausaha aje. :) nahhh, ade part best and tak best. orang yang saya suka sama rumah sukan ngan saya. awww Im lovin it! hee nampak dia. best wooo. hati senang jadinya. dahlaa tadi dia tanya aku something. halaaa halaaa berbunga bunga hati gua. yelaaa. aku kalau namapk dia senyum semua mana ade. aku muka harem adelah. cakap ngan dia pon tak pernah semenjak aku suka dia. haha tapi gua memang malu malu kucing doh, naik menyampah tengok aku kadang-kadang. muka nak gedik sengih cam kambing. haremmm je. sebab malu deh. hihi. :') tapi kan, aku rasa dia tahu kot aku suka kat dia. yela. sebab bila aku nak cakap ngan dia, dia senyum je kat aku macam nak menyengih pon ade. halamakkk malu je kau marl. put lak cakap macam ni lepas habis perjumpaan : "marl, kalau dia tu pandai kan marl, aku rase dia tahu kau suka kat dia". alah put firasat aku pon macam tu jugak. alamakk, malu lah macamni.. kalau dia tahu aku suka dia. jadi tak best sudah.

hah. yang part takbest nya time tu, dahlah si dia tu ade, pulak dah time undian cikgu su chyn tu boleh pelat panggil nama aku. halamakkk. dia panggil aku 'Manila'. kuasam tol. memang orang cina semua pelat betul nak sebut nama aku betul-betul. dahlah pakai hailer, aduyaii semua orang dengar dia panggil nama aku 'Manila'. Ish sumpah seranah aku kat situ. dengan muka merah, wey malu lah aku. hailaaa hua. agaknya mesti dia gelakkan aku jugak kan -.-" sigh.... ee malunya dehh..

Today, banyak kali nampak dia. hihi best gila. haha time balik pon nampak. halaa halaaa aku tengok dia lama-lama pastu blah balik. ahaha sepanjang jalan balik, hailaa hailaa hua hua. senyum kambing ah en. so okay ah. petang aku teman si kepeng g beli barang. haha aku jalan ngan dia pon best. kitorang masuk supermarket then cari barang haha gelak gelak ngan dia. hahaha best gak ah. happy jer. dia dahlah gelak tepuk badan aku. cubit lagi. haha aku buat lawak cam harem ngan dia tu pasal ah. hahaha pastu dia menggelabah belanja aku sebab konon ucap terima kasih dah temankan dia g beli barang. haha pastu dah balik pon sebok lagi text aku ucap thanks bagai. haha sayang, hal kecik je pun. apelah sangat setakat g supermarket teman awak g beli barang. hihihi :) 

keseluruhan cerita, harini happy happy dan happy! yeay saya suka :))

congrats sayangku!

*hihi. tuuu dia. anak buah aku yang disayangi. :)

cet. ibu dia hantar mms, kata si capikah ni dapat no 1 kat sekolah agama dia. perghh budak kecik ni dahlah suka bangga dengan gua. cet. apeedaaa. okay lah kalau dah pandai camni. gua pon bangga. anak buah sape lah pandai ni? anak buah marl ler. :))

* ehh ehhh ustazah dia nak sama tinggi ngan anak buah aku lah -,-" halaa halaaaa. 

November 14, 2010


My heart is cursing because I can't say
to you. :'(

quotes for today.

" Some people never say the words ‘I love you’It’s not their style to be so bold. Some people never say those words: ‘I love you’ But, like a child, they’re longing to be told "
Paul Simon 

November 13, 2010

Hari ahad.

ok lah just jalan cerita lembap. tapi tak menyesal tengok. ok jer.

okay, harini aku bangun awal betul, siap breakfast lagi ngan ibu. haha apahal tah. hm si beghuk aku pon pepagi dah text. ahaha then gua suruh dia tidur balik kalau ngantok. kul 8 camtu, aku pon tido balik ngan ibu. ahahah then tengahari aku cam bosan taktau nak buat apa, so ajak beghuk g tengok wayang. dia dengan terhegeh-hegeh nya bangun lambat. ouh then blablablabla jumpa dia ape sumua ok ah happy je harini. :)

*duhhh malasnya nak taippp. sorry babe. hihi 


 M : hmph, harini pikachu saya tak text pun?
 S : semalam saya tunggu awak sampai pukul 1 pagi tahu?
M : hah semangat betul. sape suruh tunggu. rendu ey?
 S :  rindu la. haila haila. mana tahu awak rep tetibe ke. so tunngu lah.
M : k lah. terima kasih kerana menunggu.
 S :  rinduu awak. haha ngade kan? erm, rindu ex saya jugak. hee
M : baiklah.
S :  hm, takpelah. tanak cakap pasal dia, nanti awak jealous. haha kan kan? 
M : euw tolonglah.
S :  Alah, awak tak sayang saya. :'(
M : memang pon. dia je perasan.
S :  okay :'(
M : yela.
S : hmph, bila kita nak keluar ni?
M : hm taktahu lah. bulan ni takleh, banyak date ngan oranglain. so next month ah.
S : Hm, kalau banyak sangat date ngan oranglain, takpe ah. takyah keluar.
M : hm okay. cakap camtu asal? nampak sangat jealous.
S : ihhhh manda uhh. 

My conversation between my pikachu a.k.a beghuk last night, hahaha dah jealous tu cakap jela sayang. nak memalu pulak. hihihi act, ade banyak lagi lah yang best aku nak tulis, tapi malas lah. wuhuhu
I'll always love you eventhough i never says this 3 words to you. muacks. hihi.